Brains + guts = true
In spring 2020 the Bergen Science Centre will be opening its new “Brains and Guts” exhibition. The exhibition looks at how our brain and guts “talk to each other” and how diet affects our mood, cognitive capacity and memory. The aim is to inspire everyone, especially children, to seek out knowledge of how lifestyle affects our health.
Bergen-based scientists are world-leading experts on the interaction between mind and digestion. When curating the exhibition, the science centre worked closely with Birgitte Berentsen at the National Advisory Unit on Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders and Trygve Hausken at the University of Bergen.
Health and climate change are two of the UN’s most challenging sustainable development goals and areas of particular interest to The GC Rieber Foundations. What we eat has an impact on our health and on the climate. New treatments and new knowledge enable us to better treat disease and make people live longer. This is causing a headache for the health service, but it also allows people to take greater responsibility for their own health.
Ved å bidra til at prosjektet «Tarmens innflytelse på hjernen» blir realisert, håper GC Rieber Fondene at mange av VilVites besøkende vil bli nysgjerrige. Det kan føre til økt bevissthet og interesse for sunnere kosthold.
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